Great River Energy is a corporate citizen that believes in supporting the communities we serve – beyond our business purpose.

Through our sponsorships, we build strong community relationships. We believe in the importance of being authentic and professional and look for sponsorship opportunities that share our values.
We carefully consider and evaluate each sponsorship proposal against our organization’s goals by following sponsorship guidelines. We strive to make sound investments with the right sponsorships, enabling us to provide community support and promote Great River Energy throughout the communities we serve and where we have facilities.
What’s the difference between a sponsorship and a contribution?
Before you request funding, please determine if you qualify for a sponsorship or a contribution. Do not apply for both.
A contribution is a charitable donation of money to a non-profit organization as means of support.
Sponsorships are financial support in exchange for promotional and community relations value. Through our sponsorships, we hope to maximize our visibility and messaging by educating attendees and participants about Great River Energy, its member cooperatives and energy issues.
How to request a sponsorship
Complete the sponsorship request form and send it with supporting documentation to
Or, mail to:
Great River Energy
MN Sponsorships
12300 Elm Creek Boulevard
Maple Grove, MN 55369-4718
Sponsorship requests are reviewed and considered as they are received.
Some of our current sponsorships

Great River Energy is a partner with the Minnesota Twins as the presenting sponsor for the Play Ball! Minnesota Youth Clinics. The Youth Clinics are designed to teach basic fundamentals including hitting, fielding and throwing for boys and girls ages 6-16, while also providing participants with positive messages about staying in school and away from drugs and alcohol. The Twins Community Fund schedules upwards of 45 clinics each summer, many of them in communities served by Great River Energy member cooperatives.

The Great River Energy – Mesabi Trail Tour is a day-long cycling event designed for both families and serious trail riders. Optional starting points along the Iron Range allow riders to customize their tour route. The tour offers great food, music and family entertainment, all rolled into a unique riding experience on one of Minnesota’s premier paved bike trails.