Powering electric vehicles with 100% wind energy - Great River Energy

Powering electric vehicles with 100% wind energy

Great River Energy developed Revolt, a first-of-its-kind program that allows electric vehicle (EV) owners to further support the use of renewable energy. When a member claims their upgrade, Great River Energy dedicates wind energy to completely cover the electricity used to fuel an EV for the car’s lifetime.

Launched in 2015 to accolades from other utilities as well as environmental groups, Revolt allows EV owners to power their car with 100% wind energy at no additional cost for the vehicle’s lifetime. Originally intended for consumer-members of our member-owner cooperatives, the program is now offered to all Great River Energy employees.

More than 500 EVs are currently enrolled in Revolt.

More Great River Energy employees now driving electric

Year by year, more Great River Energy employees are finding themselves electricity in innovative ways outside of the office.

More than 20 Great River Energy employees own an EV. The cars have become popular enough among Maple Grove office employees that they often perform the “EV shuffle” over the lunch hour by rotating parking spots at charging stations so everyone has an opportunity to fuel up before the commute home.

A popular option of EV models among employees is the plug-in hybrid version (PHEV). Unlike an all-electric car, PHEVs are powered by an electric motor and battery along with an internal combustion engine. Most use solely electricity from battery energy for a certain mileage range before continuing to drive on gasolines.

Great River Energy offers employees a monetary incentive to those who purchase and EV: 15% of the EV’s total cost, up to $2,500.

Thinking about purchasing an EV?

Our Energy Wise MN website has a handy buyer’s guide!

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Great River Energy secures hundreds of millions in federal funding

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