, Author at Great River Energy - Page 8 of 20

Electric system stable during January arctic blast

Great River Energy’s employees, power supply and transmission assets, and member demand response resources all contributed to providing reliable and economical service during the January cold weather event. Great River Energy’s wind resources produced at over 50% capacity for much of the cold spell, selling energy into the market at favorable prices. Heightened heating demand […]

Electric system stable during January arctic blast Read More »

Regional meeting road trip welcomes members to learn about Great River Energy

Great River Energy’s senior staff and board of directors logged hundreds of miles along Highway 169 in early February to host member-owner meetings in Mankato and Onamia. Approximately 250 member-owner directors and key staff heard presentations from company leaders and asked questions about the business. Board Chair Bob Bruckbauer opened the meeting asserting Great River

Regional meeting road trip welcomes members to learn about Great River Energy Read More »

Advocating for member-owners cooperatives on state task force

As Minnesota moves toward a carbon-free energy future, the state permitting process for transmission projects has risen high on the list of issues that need to be addressed, and it is expected to be a key focus at Minnesota’s legislative session this year. Building transmission lines, such as the 180-mile Northland Reliability Project that Great

Advocating for member-owners cooperatives on state task force Read More »

Co-ops partner to support future EV technicians

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining in popularity, but as the EV fleet expands, so does the need for trained technicians when maintenance or repair needs arise. Kandiyohi Power Cooperative (KPC), based in Spicer, Minnesota, and Great River Energy are working with a local community college to meet the need for qualified EV techs. KPC donated

Co-ops partner to support future EV technicians Read More »

Winter EV ride and drive aims to engage, educate the public

To celebrate the energization of the area’s fastest electric vehicle (EV) charging station, several statewide organizations hosted a public ride and drive event in one of Minnesota’s most iconic northern cities. The Northern Exposure: Winter EV Ride & Drive in Ely allowed anyone to experience what it’s like to drive an EV as well as

Winter EV ride and drive aims to engage, educate the public Read More »

Great River Energy recognized as a ‘Healthiest Employer’ for 2023

Great River Energy’s long-standing reputation as a leading well-being employer continues as the cooperative received another industry accolade. Great River Energy once again received recognition for its employee well-being efforts, placing first as an honoree for the 2023 Healthiest Employers of Minnesota in the mid-size category. At a national level, Great River Energy has earned

Great River Energy recognized as a ‘Healthiest Employer’ for 2023 Read More »

Safe. Smart. Responsible: Installing bird flight diverters using drones protects lineworkers and wildlife

Utilities have long taken measures to make electric infrastructure more visible and less obstructive to plants and animals. A Great River Energy project in southwest Minnesota demonstrates a new approach to keeping birds safe. Due to avian strike concerns on the CapX2020 transmission line segment between the Lyon and Hazel substations near Cottonwood, Minnesota, Great

Safe. Smart. Responsible: Installing bird flight diverters using drones protects lineworkers and wildlife Read More »

Solar energy powers co-op’s new electric vehicle chargers

A Southern Minnesota electric cooperative is now providing electric vehicle (EV) drivers the opportunity to quickly “fuel” up at its headquarters with its newly installed fast-charging stations that come with an added bonus: A renewable form of locally produced energy is the source of power. Owatonna-based Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric, one of Great River Energy’s 27

Solar energy powers co-op’s new electric vehicle chargers Read More »

Heat pumps offer benefits for consumers, the environment

Many companies and homeowners are placing an increased emphasis on reducing their use of fossil fuels by looking for new ways to use electricity to help them achieve their goals. This strategy of replacing direct fossil fuel use with electricity in a way that reduces overall emissions and energy costs is called “beneficial electrification.” It’s

Heat pumps offer benefits for consumers, the environment Read More »