Great River Energy follows local and state permitting processes which offer opportunities for public input. We typically go above these requirements and offer additional opportunities for you to share your comments. If you receive an invitation to an open house about a proposed project in your area, it is important that you attend. The earlier in the process that we hear your input, the better. For some projects, you may be contacted directly for your input.
How will I know if there is an open house about a project in my area?
You will receive a notice in the mail from Great River Energy if you are a landowner or organization in the area of a proposed power line project. Additionally, we place advertisements in local newspapers to announce open house meetings.
What if I am unable to attend an open house meeting?
We understand that not everyone will be able to attend every meeting. If you have questions or comments about a proposed power line project and are unable to attend an open house meeting, please contact the Great River Energy representative listed on the bottom of the project fact sheet you received. If you have input, it is important that you contact us.
Do I have a say in where the transmission line should be routed?
Again, you are encouraged to attend open house meetings and bring your feedback about the proposed project, including thoughts about where the line could be built. You also are welcome to call, e-mail or write the Great River Energy representative listed on the project fact sheet.
Who decides which route to choose?
For projects following the state of Minnesota’s process, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, after receiving extensive public input, makes the final decision on where the line will be constructed. Other projects follow the permitting processes set by local government units.