Recognizing lineworkers during the pandemic - Great River Energy

Recognizing lineworkers during the pandemic

They set out in the dead of night and the cold of winter to restore power. They climb poles, work from bucket trucks and drive to remote locations to keep electricity flowing to your home.

Even during the coronavirus pandemic, these technicians perform critical work to ensure reliability and public safety. Line technicians were recognized April 13 in the local communities served by Great River Energy’s 28 member-owner cooperatives.

There are 35 line technicians who help maintain Great River Energy’s more than 5,200 miles of transmission power lines in Minnesota and North Dakota.

Great River Energy encourages others to celebrate line technicians and the work they do while abiding by social distancing guidelines. While line crews are out in the field maintaining power lines and helping to ensure reliable power to homes, farms and essential businesses, take a moment to thank them by posting on social media or creating a sign to display for them as they work.

“Line technicians keep the lights on for our communities,” said Roger Kiefer, transmission construction and maintenance manager at Great River Energy. “We could not provide the reliable electric service we all enjoy if it weren’t for them. Now, more than ever, it’s important to appreciate them for the essential service they provide. Please take some time to thank them for their service as they work for all of us who flip a switch.”

There are 35 line technicians who help maintain Great River Energy’s more than 5,200 miles of transmission power lines in Minnesota and North Dakota. The electric cooperative maintains excellent transmission reliability through effective maintenance and restoration practices, as well as strong relationships with other utilities.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association has dedicated the second Monday in April as a time to thank and recognize lineworkers and the important work they do in all communities.

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