Contributions guidelines - Great River Energy

Contributions guidelines

We follow these guidelines when considering funding requests

The Great River Energy corporate contributions team will, through its funding decisions, strive to do the greatest good for the greatest number of our member consumers, as well the communities in which our facilities are located.

The Great River Energy corporate contributions team will:

  • Deal respectfully with all applicants, providing them clear information about the goals, objectives and guidelines for obtaining a contribution from Great River Energy. In addition, the team will maintain a list of all organizations to which Great River Energy has made a contribution.
  • Respond in a timely manner to a request for a contribution. This includes setting deadlines for applications and meeting on a regular basis to consider applications. Any applicant denied a contribution will be informed in writing.
  • Respect the confidentiality of all applicants and gain their permission before using their name publicly.
  • Recognize the increasing cultural diversity of the communities Great River Energy serves and reflect this diversity in the contributions.
  • Adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior and maintain a conflict of interest policy for team members so they will not be unduly influenced when considering an applicant.

Organizations that have not yet received funding from Great River Energy for the current calendar year, including sponsorships and in-kind donations, are eligible. Contributions are generally restricted to non-profit organizations which have been granted Section 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status. While contributions are generally focused geographically within those areas where Great River Energy has facilities and member-consumers, they are not restricted as such if an organization is outside the Great River Energy service area but provides programs and benefits to the member-consumers within one of the funding categories.

Priority funding categories
  • Community service: Programs and organizations that support a community’s overall quality of life, such as aid for children and families, hunger relief, disaster relief, emergency preparedness and public safety.
  • Education: Programs and organizations that reflect the business and membership interests of Great River Energy.
  • Environmental: Programs, projects and organizations that promote environmental stewardship, conservation and protection, as well as nature centers.
  • Youth: Programs and organizations designed to combat critical social problems, with emphasis on children and teens at risk, as well as mentoring and youth development.
A note about capital projects

Great River Energy is committed to partnering with community groups to help build strong foundations for the future in programmatic, as well as capital initiatives. Great River Energy will consider financially supporting capital projects as financial resources allow under the following guidelines:

  • Great River Energy will not serve as the primary funding source for a capital project, but rather as a partner with other contributors.
  • Capital contributions may be given as matching funds to best leverage other sources of support.
  • Capital contributions will only be disbursed when physical construction is in active process, or funds are needed to secure services and/or materials.

Contribution funds, (except those specifically approved by the Great River Energy board of directors) will generally not be used for:

  • Religious, lobbying, political, governmental, labor and fraternal organizations – except for programs such organizations sponsor for direct benefit to the community and not for themselves
  • Private educational institutions
  • Fundraising and fundraising dinners, raffles, carnivals, festivals and tournaments
  • Graduation parties, proms and banquets
  • National fund drives
  • Travel, either by groups or individuals
  • Meetings, conferences or seminars
  • Sponsorships or advertising
  • Individuals

Typical awarded contributions range from $500 to $2,500 per recipient. Occasionally, smaller or larger contributions will be granted. This award philosophy supports Great River Energy’s mission to do the greatest good for the greatest number of our member-consumers and their communities, as well the communities in which our facilities are located.


Great River Energy welcomes funding requests at any time, and makes funding decisions on a quarterly basis. Contribution requests are due by the 10th of March, June, September and December. Contributions are awarded by the 10th of the following month.