Donations support local emergency responders - Great River Energy

Donations support local emergency responders

Great River Energy recently donated new equipment to local fire departments that would provide emergency services for two of the cooperative’s power plants in the event of a fire or site emergency.

The fire departments serving Trimont and Dexter, Minnesota, each received a new test station that can be used to ensure their fire hoses achieve optimal flow and pressure.

Members of Trimont Fire Department were invited to Lakefield Junction Station last year for a safety review of the plant’s equipment, which is when the initial need for a fire hose station was identified. The piece of equipment was donated last month with future visits planned that will include pressure test certification of the fire department’s hoses. This annual testing will identify any deficiencies with fore hoses, which will prevent failure when used.

Dexter Fire Department, which is stationed near Pleasant Valley Station, was also identified as a location to receive this equipment donation.

“As a community member and a partner with the cities of Trimont and Dexter, Great River Energy is pleased to donate these fire hose test stations, which will ensure hoses are in proper working order to be able to safely provide fire protection for area residents and plant employees,” said Mike Herman, supervising manager of Minnesota generation at Great River Energy.

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