In today’s competitive marketplace, a business depends on the accurate use of its name. We ask that reporters use our full name, Great River Energy, in all news reports about our company.
Great River Energy business partners must request permission before using our name. Partners shall not use the Great River Energy logo or name in any promotional materials, advertisement or other communications without prior written consent of Great River Energy. We understand the desire by business partners to highlight innovative work being done in the industry and will make every effort to comply with requests to partner in media relations activities. However, Great River Energy is unable to endorse or promote another organization’s products or services or a political candidate.
Logo requests
If you need an electronic copy of the Great River Energy logo, email: In the message body, please specify the file format you would prefer.
Great River Energy photos
We have a variety of photos of our facilities available for media use. Request a photo by sending an email request to: In the message body, specify a photo subject and the file format you would prefer.
Guidelines for other parties using Great River Energy logos and photos
Great River Energy’s logos and images are valuable assets. Appropriate use of these materials by third parties helps us protect our reputation and valuable trademark rights and strengthen our corporate and brand identities.
Photos and logos used for editorial purposes
Legitimate news outlets may reproduce Great River Energy photos and logos with permission and appropriate attribution. The photos may be printed free of charge, but in the case of print media, a copy must be sent to Great River Energy for our records. If photos or our logo are used in electronic media, a copy by DVD is required.
Please send all copies for our records to:
Communications & marketing
Great River Energy
12300 Elm Creek Blvd.
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Photos and logos used by third parties
Suppliers, vendors and other third parties wishing to use our logo and images in print or broadcast promotional or advertising materials or on their website must obtain prior approval from Great River Energy corporate communications. Without prior approval, Great River Energy reserves the right to request all unauthorized uses of its logo be destroyed or changed at your expense.
Use of Great River Energy materials or logo by these parties is reviewed on a case by case basis after the following questions are answered:
- How will the Great River Energy name/logo be used?
- What is the relationship between Great River Energy and your company/product?
- With whom did you work at Great River Energy? (We’ll check with them to make sure we received satisfactory services from you)
- Where will you use the Great River Energy logo/photo? (In a brochure, advertisement, website, etc.?)
- Who will receive the promotional piece or view the website or ad?
- How long will the promotional materials be used?
Proper use of Great River Energy trademarks and logos
- Use the Great River Energy logo in accordance with the logo standards. Always use the Great River Energy logo in blue (PMS 295), black or white.
- Always display your company’s logo more prominently than the Great River Energy logo. Our logo should not dominate yours.
- Use the Great River Energy trademarks correctly. Send a proof or draft of your piece to Great River Energy corporate communications prior to printing for approval.
Do not:
- Recreate the Great River Energy logo from type. Use the actual logo file.
- Alter the logo in any way.
- Show the Great River Energy logo in a way that implies that Great River Energy is part of your firm or that you are part of Great River Energy.
- Display the Great River Energy logo so that it is larger or more prominent than your product or company name.
- Reference any product or service as being “authorized, certified, endorsed or approved” by Great River Energy.
- Make any reference to Great River Energy that would be vague or misleading to the public.
If you have questions about this policy, please contact
Daniel Becchetti
Manager, communications & marketing
Great River Energy
12300 Elm Creek Blvd.
Maple Grove, MN 55369