Member-consumers that meet one of the following criteria may be exempted from the standby service requirement:
Less than 40 kW
Any all-requirements (AR) member with a member-consumer taking service under a Member’s Parallel Generation tariff, as established under Minnesota Rules chapter 7835, shall not be required to take standby service under GRE’s Standby and Supplemental Service rate rider if the member-consumer’s DG system has a generator nameplate rating of less than 40 kW.
Less than 60 kW
Any AR Member with a member-consumer taking service under a Member’s Rider for Distributed Generation Service shall not be required to take standby service under GRE’s Standby and Supplemental Service rate rider if the member-consumer’s DG system has a nameplate rating less than 60 kW, unless the member has reduced or eliminated this threshold for exception, in which case, standby service under GRE’s Standby and Supplemental Service rate rider will be required.
Physical Assurance
Any AR member with a member-consumer taking service under a Member’s Rider for Distributed Generation Service shall not be required to take standby service under GRE’s Standby and Supplemental Service rate rider if the member-consumer provides physical assurance that ensures standby service will not be taken.
A member-consumer requesting a physical assurance exemption must comply with all provisions of either a) or b) below:
a) Furnish and install an approved load limiting device, at their expense, which shall be set and sealed by the AR Member.
i) Any actual usage resulting from the failure of a load limiting physical assurance device shall be billed to the Member as non-firm standby service usage.
ii) Member-consumers with load limiting physical assurance devices are ineligible for any GRE demand side management program.
b) Furnish and install a separate, stand-alone back-up generation system with a nameplate rating greater than the member-consumer’s total load connected to the DG System.
i) The back-up generation system must participate in and comply with all requirements of GRE’s Interruptible Commercial and Industrial Loads program.
ii) The member-consumer must provide and maintain interval metering compatible with GRE’s meter recording system (MV-90) and an appropriate telephone line that enables GRE to remotely access and record the output of the back-up generator and the connected load.